How to include a gift in your will

Speak with family and loved ones. Your will is a practical expression of your values and the legacy you want to leave, and it is important those closest to you are well provided for and aware of your wishes.

Decide on the kind of gift you want to leave

A bequest does not have to be cash; it can include securities or real estate for example. Options include:

  • A set value, which is specific amount of money, also known as a ‘pecuniary gift’,
  • A percentage gift, which is a percentage value of your estate,
  • A specific asset, which can include things such as property, shares or goods,
  • A residuary gift, which is the amount remaining in your estate after all other gifts and costs have been distributed and paid.

Engage a legal professional or reputable will service

A will is a binding legal document with significant consequences for those you care about, so it is important to ensure your will is drafted correctly. If you already have a will, you can include a gift to St John’s Youth Services by asking your solicitor to add a simple legal amendment called a ‘codicil’.

Include clear and correct wording

Your solicitor can provide advice about correct wording, that will ensure your wishes are followed. An example of suggested wording you can provide to your solicitor is:

I give and bequeath *________________________ free of all duties and taxes to St John’s Youth Services (ABN: 64 218 906 004), Level 1/379 Halifax St Adelaide SA 5000 for its general purposes. An authorised receipt from St John’s Youth Services shall be a sufficient discharge for my executor(s) or trustee(s).

*For example:

  • The sum of $ ……
  • The whole (or …… %) of my estate
  • The whole (or …… %) of the residue of my estate
  • My …………………………….. (insert name of specific asset/s, e.g. property, shares or goods)

Let us know

We understand including a gift in your will to St John’s Youth Services is a personal choice that you may wish to remain private. However, we hope you’ll choose to share your decision with us so we can get in touch and express our thanks. Any information you provide will be treated with the strictest confidence.

To advise us of your decision or for more information about leaving a gift in your will to St John’s Youth Services, contact our Advocacy Manager, Anne Linke, at